I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #14 - The NDP

I now know what gets me riled up faster than Mel Gibson at a routine traffic stop. It's the NDP. As many of you know I am not a fan of the Notorously Demented Party, that being said I did have a healthy respect for Jack (I like to pull out early) Layton back during the last election. In fact I actually thought he was the best of the 4 party leaders even though I wouldn't vote NDP at gunpoint.

Lately though Jack and his gang of pacifists and cowards has taken to sniping at our military and whining about Afghanistan. I wonder if there is a cure for Jack's speech impediment. You know, the one where he can't go two sentences without saying 'Bush'? The NDP and most of their left-wing lunatic supporters have very little if any experience with military matters so how can they make an informed decision about the war in Afghanistan? Jack himself supported the mission okay when the Liberals were in power, but now that he might get a few extra votes he's prostituted himself on the backs of our soldiers by way of decrying the mission. How he and the NDP have behaved is reprehensible and I am sick of it, as are most of the military members I have spoken to.

Today while sitting down to read the news I saw that the NDP convention has overwhelmingly decided to pursue the "Let's Chicken out and abandon the poor people of Afghanistan so the Taliban can regain power" plan. They are going to go to caucus to scheme of different ways to 'pressure' the government into a pullout. I was furious but it got worse after reading a quote from Alexa McDonough.

"We know there is no military solution," she said.
"The Canadian people know there is no military solution. The Canadian people know that only through a comprehensive peace process will it be possible to bring the state and non-state actors together to begin building a democratic Afghanistan."

The Canadian people know...? Who the H - E - double hockey sticks is she to speak for the Canadian People? The NDP sits in the high teens for support and last time I checked that would mean that over 80% of Canadians don't support the NDP, or their twisted viewpoint.

Listen to this language from Toronto delegate Barry Weisleder;

"We need to curtail expenditures which are aiding the war contractors and which are supporting a government of warlords and druglords in Afghanistan, a government orchestrated and hand-picked by the U.S. empire. . .
"We need to get out of that dirty war."

The 'Warlords' and 'Druglords' are the very people our military is trying to eradicate! Can they really be that obtuse? And what is this U.S. empire garbage? I don't agree with their politics either but how much further to the fringe do these comments push the NDP?

For raising the ire of the very military they say they respect and for trying to prevent said military from giving a better life to the people of Afghanistan I, with every fibre of my soul, give my 14th Bonehead of The Week award to the NDP.

Naive Disrespectful Pacifists

Until next time remember, I hate the NDP


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to hate NDP...anyone of the public wanting information on where the GAZILLION DOLLARS spent on "spirited energy", will have to pay a 750$ administration fee for it. So, they're ADVERTISING that they
f*&!ed up?

Monday, September 11, 2006


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