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Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #13 - American Military Pilots

Canada lost another soldier in Afghanistan recently, Pte Mark Graham, a former Olympian, was killed by friendly fire. 30 other soldiers were wounded.

You may recall that a USAF pilot, Maj Harry Schmidt, dropped a bomb on Canadian soldiers killing 4 and injuring many others in 2002. Everyone was apalled and there were many apologies and promises. Sadly it seems to be all for nothing.

The Aircraft this time was an A-10 Warthog used specifically for ground attack and it unleashed a hellish burst of pop-can sized rounds into our troops miraculously only killing one. The problem is, he wasn't supporting the Canadians at the time. It is suggested that he was searching for 'targets of opportunity' when he mowed down the Canadians. An investigation will follow but likely it will prove what I already know...American Pilots are far too cavalier about their rules of engagement (ROE) and frequently shoot first and suffer the consequences later. Unfortunately it is pretty common for the US and while other nations (including Canada) have committed 'Fratricide' as it is technically referred to, the US has got to be the largest contributor to this phenomenon. In fact in WWII the US bombed Canadians killing over 150 soldiers. They have fired at civilian airliners and their own troops on numerous occasions.

For meting out deadly force with the forethought of a distracted toddler, I give American Military pilots the 13th BOTW award.

...remember, if you see an armed American aircraft, run for your life.


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