I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Payneful Top 10 - Things That Bug Me At This Moment

Those of you who know me know that I am opinionated and hold grudges. Therefore some things (The 1994 New York Rangers, My Grade 10 Algebra teacher and Pierre Trudeau) will always bug me. Day to day however there are numerous other things that grate at my very soul. With that in mind, here is what is bugging me at the tail end of summer 2006 in this week's installment of the Payneful Top 10;

10) Jack Layton and his constant holier than thou, I speak for all Canadians let's be 'peacekeepers' and hold hands propaganda have driven me mad. I wish he would shut up.

9) Caledonia Native Protesters. Now they want donations so they can spend the winter camped out on land that doesn't belong to them (at least not yet anyway) and hold the town of Caledonia hostage while the government does nothing to stop them.

8) My computer....Yes it is 5 years old but I wish it worked better. I have seen things move faster at an old folks home then on my computer.

7) Shows dedicated to who wore what at the Emmy's....Who Cares?!

6) Waiting for the NHL Season to begin...I still have to wait another month and it's killing me.

5) Rockstar Supernova contestant Storm Large. First of all is that a made up porn star name or what? She is so fake and I want her out. Go Ryan!

4) Speaking of annoying reality show contestants...Danielle from Big Brother 7 is soooooooo annoying. She reminds me of some guys I went to school that acted like tough guys over the stupidest things. Of course they grew up and matured. Danielle is a grown woman and mother that acts like a baby on National TV

3) Photo Radar. What a lame cash grab. I hated it when I lived in BC and I hate it here in Manitoba. I don't believe that it makes the public safer as we are led to believe I think it just makes people go insane with rage.

2) My new Puppy's ability to wander around and dig for two hors without ever going to the bathroom then peeing and pooping 5 seconds after I bring him inside. Luckily he is small and his poop is like a squirt of toothpaste only brown. I can't believe I am describing poo now, how low have I sunk?

1) Gas prices - I hate people from Toronto and their lower than the rest of Canada gas prices! I have had it and am going to try and get an electric car or better yet, a car powered by sarcasm!

If you are re-reading this post and think to yourself; "Hey he changed the last one" No I didn't...it is just your imagination. I have always had it this way.

Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...while watching far too much Comedy Central this summer, I may have come across a feasible solution to the neighbour problem. Hang around in your backyard a) naked, or, b) displaying graphic public affection with your wife. Hopefully this would render the neighbours a little uncomfortable, being that might realize their voyeurism was becoming less neighbourly and more pornerly and they might not hang around their backdoor stalking your comings and goings anymore!! You do, however, run the risk of discovering that your neighbours are, a) nudists, and/or, b) swingers....Good luck!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gas is below 90 cents per litre in Ottawa. Just thought you should know. You still hovering around a buck?

Thursday, August 31, 2006


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