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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #17 - Terrell Owens

T.O. as he is most ofetn referred to is the type of athlete whose celberity transcends sports, but unlike Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky and Tiger Woods, T.O. doesn't do it in a positive way.

T.O. is possibly one of the best receivers that the NFL has seen and has showed moments of brilliance in his stops with San Francisco, Philadelphia and now Dallas. His showboating is the stuff of legend. Once after scoring a touchdown in San Francisco against the Seattle Seahawks he pulled a hidden sharpie out of his sock, autographed the football and tossed it into the stands. Brilliant and the fans ate it up. Unfortunately he has far too few moments like that and an abundance of selfish behaviour that has alienated team mates, coaches and fans alike.

He questioned the sexuality of one QB, the desire of another and told his head coach to shut up. After finally being sat down by Philadelphia to finish the season on the sidelines he ruined an attempted apology by letting his agent step in. Drew Rosenhaus, who many believe was the inspiration for the 'Bob Sugar' character in the movie Jerry Maguire, took questions on T.O.'s behalf by saying 'Next question' to virtually every question. They both were mocked for how shallow they appeared but as is the case when you have so much talent someone is always willing to give you a chance.

T.O. swore that this time things would be different. That is akin to Tom Cruise saying, "I won't do anything crazy again" and most people knew it was just a matter of time.

Well here we are in week 6 of the NFL season and T.O is once again being a problem. He has had a public spat with his receivers coach, and is now telling everyone who will listen that he isn't being used properly...He has been thrown more balls than anybody else on his team and yet he still complains. What a baby.

For being more selfish and demanding than a 3 yr old, and the biggest primadonna in sports I award the 17th BOTW to Terrell Owens. Although if he found out he'd probably want more.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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