I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Friday, October 20, 2006

Eeeeeeew Gross!...People Actually Eat That?

A friend and I were reminiscing about different places we'd been and the topic of food came up. As everyone knows I am a picky eater that refuses to eat several perfectly acceptable foods, like eggs, mushrooms, even coffee. There are foods out there though that no one should eat.

Canned Meat - Spam, Klik and several others that have to identify; a) that they are indeed food. and b) what type of meat is inside because you can't tell visually are truly frightening. Just a hunch but if it fits into a can and survives longer than the actual animal (or animals) it originally came from would have lived, it can't be good for you. I am also freaked out by the way it stays in the shape of the container it came from. It's almost like play-dough but made out of food. I think I'd feel safer eating Play-Dough.

Goober Grape - Every kid eats PB and J and that is ok. While I have outgrown it I at least understand it, but Goober Grape is a jar that contains both the peanut butter and the jelly together in the same jar...that's just wrong! It looks neat on the shelf, stripes of alternating colours and all that, but after a couple of uses it is a terrible looking mass of brown and purple crud that resembles baby poo. Yuk!

Pickled Anything - I like pickles, but that is the only thing I think you should pickle. Pickled peppers are disgusting and pickled eggs are revolting too but the Granddaddy of them all is pickled herring. Ick! My Mom actually finds this to be a treat! I don't get it. The smell alone makes me gag, and when I see pickled anything I think of strange creatures in formaldehyde jars in museums and it freaks me out!

Tofu - Processed soy bean curd. Wow, never, ever...Ok maybe if I had to choose between tofu and mushrooms maybe. Again it is another edible play-dough like item. I accidentally had a mouthful once when I thought it was cheese. I have never spit anything so far in my life. How dare they be sneaky and disguise it as something like noble cheddar!

Vegemite - If you don't know what vegemite is then be thankful. I have had the misfortune of actually tasting it...I still have nightmares! Vegemite is a spread that is made from a yeast extract and is very salty and sour. It's HUGE in Australia and is sort of the gross equivalent of peanut butter. It was made famous in the 80's hit song by Men At Work - Land Down Under;

"I said, do you speak-a my language?
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich"

Men at Work of course disappeared off the pop charts and I only wish they would have taken vegemite with them. Don't get me wrong Australia rules and I love them (except for maybe Crocodile Dundee) but vegemite is worse than the plague. At least once you've had the plague you're dead and don't have to relive it, unlike vegemite.

Strangely I have no desire to eat my breakfast now...

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain!


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