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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What is Better than Sleep?

I am always amazed at children throwing a fit when they have to go to bed. I did too when I was that age but what is the big deal? As an adult I long for the day that someone tells me that "It's time for a nap" How cool would that be?

In Kindergarten children are given a little nap and all I can think is how much I would love my boss to tell me to have a little nap. Hey don't laugh. They do it in Europe, They do it in the Arabian Gulf, they even do it in Mexico (does the word siesta ring a bell?). Japan is one of the hardest working countries in the world and now they are starting in with the naps because they find their workers to be more productive.

My problem is I am a nightowl and love staying up late. I know I should go to bed early but almost never do. So when the alarm goes off I feel like smashing it into little pieces. I can get up no problem, I just think that the feeling of getting out of bed when you are super comfy has got to be the worst feeling ever.

It's not just the alarm either. It's the unexpected things that keep you up or wake you up. It could be anything. A dripping faucet, a loud neighbour, in my case it's usually the dog or the kids. Sometimes it could be something stupid like having to take a pee in the middle of the night. Once again little kids have it made because they can just go in their diapers. I won't have that luxury for at least another 40 years...

I honestly love sleep more than most activities. I don't know anyone who likes it more than me. Some naps are better than others, like little impromptu naps on the couch with the TV going, or after a meal at a big family gathering. Some naps I no longer enjoy like on airplanes or in cars. I just can't do it anymore. I think that's why I crave sleep so much, because a good sleep is hard to find.

With a little prodding I could probably end up being one of those fat people that end up bed-ridden and eventually get taken to hospital on a flatbed because they ballooned to 800 pounds or something. Ok maybe not that bad but you get the idea.

I think the best sleeps of all are the unexpected bonus sleeps. Here is an example;

I was living in Winnipeg and outside my window it was cold and dark and what light was showing merely helped to illuminate the blowing snow. It was winter and I had to walk to work in this blizzard. So there I was at 6 in the morning delaying the inevitable and dreading pulling back the covers when a moment of doubt entered my mind. I stretched out for the remote and flipped on the TV. I put it on the weather channel and that's when I received the happiest news of my life. It was actually Saturday and I didn't have to go to work! I forgot to turn my alarm off when I got up the day before so there was no reason for me to get up! Ah good times...anyway, I went immediately back to sleep and stayed in bed for another 4 or 5 hours. I may have even slept with a smile on my face.

The final benefit to sleep when you are as imaginative and freaky like I am is that your dreams are crazy! I have had dreams that I am sure could be made into some 'Matrix' style Hollywood blockbuster. If only I could remember them for longer than 10 seconds after I wake up...

Anyhow, all this typing is making me sleepy so until next time remember, no Payne, no gain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot agree with you more on this one. What is better than sleep? NOTHING!!! Well sex comes a close second. The best is briefly waking up at 4:30 am, rolling over to look at the clock and realizing you still have 4 or more hours with of sleeping ahead of you. Even BETTER is when you fall back into the awesome dream you just left.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


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