I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th - Superstition or The Reason My Life Sucks

Ok before those of you that know me freak out, My life doesn't really suck. I am just referring to those times when things go wrong and you wish you had someone to blame. Plus lets face it the headline was an attention getter.

I am always fascinated by superstitions that people have and so I thought I'd mention a few and tell you about the ones that I subscribe to. Here goes;

Friday the 13th. I loved the movies, and let's face it, Jason Voorhees is cool. I would love to have him at a party except I can't think of a way to have him stop violently killing the other guests. As far as it being an unlucky day though, I don't buy it. The whole number 13 thing doesn't impress me. I have had LOTS of unlucky days and few of them were the 13th.

Walking under ladders is bad luck and I avoid it but not because of the luck factor. I don't walk under because it's easier and safer to go around. I walked under once and actually knocked the ladder over which didn't really effect me but may have been seen as unlucky by the guy that fell off of it. He was ok, probably...

A Black cat crossing your path is a harbinger of bad things and I admit, for some reason I will actually change direction if a cat cuts me off. Cats are spooky, they hang out with witches and are a major factor in scary movie moments. How many times does a cat during a tense scene show up and scare the crap out of the hero? Evil I tell you.

Breaking a mirror gives you 7 years of bad luck. I must have broken one when I was 12 then because the 7 years after that sucked large! I was in 3 car accidents, got shot, broke my collarbone twice and dozens of stitches. I even grew boobs. (Ok they were technically cysts but when it's under your nipples and you're a guy it's just wrong). Seriously though I have broken lots of mirrors and no one, with the exception of the George Chuvalo or the Buffalo Bills of the 90's has that much bad luck.

Knocking on wood and crossing fingers are two other big ones which I admit I do a LOT, I don't know why, it makes no sense but to this day when I really am hoping for something, usually a win for the Canucks, I knock wood and cross my fingers. In fact I am knocking on wood hoping that this blog will be good, and crossing my fingers that people will actually read it.

Stepping on a spider will make it rain. This one has to be true because as a kid growing up on the wet coast (Vancouver Island) I stepped on them all the time and everyone knows it is always raining in BC. (You can't tell but I am rolling my eyes at this one).

If you google superstitions there are so many you won't be able to count them all but it sure is fun. I personally want to start some superstitions, like anyone who forwards me a 'pass it on or you will get bad luck' email will drop dead from some horrible yet bizarre malady. I don't know how about a fatal sneezing fit, or spontaneous human combustion.

Anyway I have to go and get lunch and it takes me a while because apparently if I step on a crack my mother will break her back.

Until next time remember, it isn't bad luck if you are a bad person. It's karma.


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