I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Red Shirts, My dog and violence in sports

Well I am in Winnipeg and it is October but it feels like June. There are no mosquito's, no snow and no problems...except for the roads, but that's Winnipeg for you and at least I'm not getting crushed by collapsing overpasses, (yet). Time to let her rip.

  • Red Shirt Fridays - I am so glad to see that whether people support the mission in Afghanistan or not, they are at least supporting our troops. An idea hatched by two military wives in Petawawa Ontario has led to a nationwide recognition of how well our soldiers, sailors and Airman are respected by the average Canadian. I encourage everyone to remind people of this worthwhile endeavour.
  • Fantasy Sports - I love fantasy hockey and football unfortunately I am not as good as I think I am. For every two good moves I make I usually make a stupid one to balance things out. In the whole scheme of things though I guess the bottom line is it helps me enjoy the game more as I feel invested in the outcome. I once traded a guy for a defenceman with a broken leg...I shoulda checked first. My favourite part is the trash talking anyway.
  • My Dog - Tito, the furry, fun-loving, omnivorous soiler of all things was in fine, farting form again this morning. He had let a few rip that made my eyes water so when he dropped the real deal a few minutes later I wrongly assumed he was just floating yet another air-biscuit. Eventually I stumbled on the 'scene of the crime' when I noticed Tito was 'cleaning up' after himself. Talk about recycling! (gag! retch!). I definitely made a point of not letting him lick my face for a while after that. Why can't my dog ever eat breathmints or toothpaste instead?
  • Violence in Sports - Members of the media are increasingly reporting on violent incidents in pro sports. Just recently a player from the Tennessee Titans, Albert Haynesworth, a 300 pound lineman, stomped on the face of Dallas Cowboy's center Andre Gurode cutting him open for dozens of stitches. It reminded me of other ugly sporting incidents like the Zidane World Cup head-butt, The 'malice at the Palace' basketball melee as well as numerous hockey and baseball, bench-clearing brawls. In this blogger's humble opinion I say, BRING IT ON! I love that stuff! I know in these politically correct times that may seem reprehensible but I just love it for the entertainment value. I guess that's why I love watching the UFC so much. Nothing quite as cool as grown men hurting eachother. I wish I could have seen the Gladiators back in the day!

My favourite time of the year is fast approaching. Halloween is my favourite holiday and I want to have the best costume idea this year but I need your help. I am going to list the top 10 answers I recieve from all of you. Here are the criteria; It has to be original, and cheap to put together. Let's see what you can come up with.

Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favourite cheap costume....just about any clothing with kleenex, qtips, crumpled up paper stapled to it......white trash.

Second favourite, Chucky dressed as a farmer with a screw in his stomach and a stuffed cow hanging from his belt. The farmer who got screwed over by 1 cow...(During mad cow thingy).

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smarty Pants - fixed the little boxes to a pair of pants :)
Or...a bunch of grapes - classic (purple ballons and a green hat)
Or...a ghost - w/ a Value village sheet (could be 70's flowers)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


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