I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Thoughts After a Long Weekend

I'm tired. I didn't get much sleep last night and my feeble, pee-sized brain is incapable of deep thought. There are a few, random and unrelated things that I are rattling around in my noggin however so I may as well share them with you.

VACATIONING CHILDREN - For the first time, my wife and I air-mailed our two kids to my parents place out in BC last Friday for a month long visit. As they are 10 and 6 you can imagine our trepidation, even though ferrying unaccompanied minors is common place for the airlines. Things went pretty well until we finally reached the departure gate, and the immediacy of our parting of ways sunk in. Just as it seemed we all may burst into tears and the kids might decide they would rather not get on a plane full of strangers a funny thing happened. The Pilot had come off the aircraft and asked if the kids were getting on the flight. We chatted briefly and then sat down together and then the pilot came back and introduced himself as 'Barry' and spoke with the kids and asked their names. He showed us a photo of his kids and really put the kids at ease before he headed back onboard. His work wasn't finished though. Just prior to boarding he came out with a postcard that showed the cockpit and he had written a little note on the back to the kids which drew big smiles all around. After a tearful goodbye the kids boarded the plane but couldn't depart due to weather so while they were on the plane we were at the gate worrying. Again, my new favourite pilot, Barry, came back to the gate and told us that the kids were having fun and being spoiled by the flight crew. Shortly after the aircraft left and we went home, comforted by the fact that Barry was looking after our kids.

THE BIG MOVE PT II - Just when you thought I was done complaining I am back for more. As part of the move we are cleaning and painting the old house which I hate even more than the move itself. I hate painting more than Mel Gibson hates being stopped by police. Painting bores me, it is as boring as watching paint dry...We broke two rollers and went through two cans of paint and you can still see through to the old paint. Every time I turned around more streaks and I got paint on the floor, my face, my hat, my sandals, AAAAAAH! I hate painting. As I previously mentioned I don't like moving furniture either but since I am cheap and did it myself I had to borrow a friends truck. I have used this friend's truck before and the truck and I don't get along. The first time I borrowed the truck it slid all over the road for me, scaring the sarcasm out of me on several occasions as I thought I was going to crash. I needed the truck so I tried to forget that, only to have a new problem surface. The truck didn't like my key. Most of the time it would let me start the truck but occasionally, I couldn't even turn the key as it stayed locked. Unfortunately though on two occasions it lasted for several minutes. Once while parked at the pump getting gas I spent 20 minutes trying to turn the key before it finally worked. I was swearing and freaking out so bad it must have looked like the tasmanian devil was in the cab. Anyway, it got my stuff from one place to another so I grudgingly thank you anyway pal. The truck however may earn BOTW honours.

NEW REALITY SHOWS - Anyone who knows me knows my fondness for reality TV. Well now I have seen new reality shows and have to let you know the 411 on them. First is "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" Which draws a lot of comparisons with "The Osbournes" But from the pilot episode seems a lot better. Gene may be a cool rock and roller with a former porn star wife and two kids but to his son and daughter he is a loveable loser that embarrasses them at every turn. Great show, every Monday on A&E, check it out. Another is "Driving Force" a show about Top Fuel Drag racer John Force and his three daughters. I am not a race fan but the show is a hoot, also on Mondays. His daughter's all race and race well but are typically spoiled brats who frustrate their Dad to no end. not bad at all. Of course Rockstar Supernova is still my favourite for Monday nights but they don't conflict so it's all good. Of course anything is better than watching the groan-inducing vomitfest known as Canadian Idol. The wife watches it and I had nowhere to go last night so I tried to contain my dinner while I suffered through it. It is sooooooo bad. Has anyone heard of these people? Who are the judges? The only one I heard of before the show started was Sass Jordan, and I was never a big fan of hers. Ugh kill me now.

Well time to get my butt to work, I hope you enjoyed my Tuesday morning round up. Tune in tomorrow for a special Payneful Top 10, all about reality TV. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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