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Saturday, October 7, 2006

Bonehead of the Week #16 - Uncontrolled Pervert

Listen, I'm a guy and I know what it's like to want to spend quality time with the opposite sex but some people go too far in the quest to achieve that goal.

Canada is a great country and every year more and more people try to become citizens in this great nation. Some are successful, and some are not and it is the responsibility of the Immigration and Refugee Appeal Board to decide who should stay and who should go. Those that are rejected often are then deported to some pretty nasty countries.

Enter Appeal Board Judge Steve Ellis, a former Toronto City Councillor, arranged to meet one of the people whose case he was presiding over lunch. The poor girl's boyfriend wired her up for sound and secretly videotaped the pair and what was revealed in those recordings was disgusting. Steve pervert Ellis suggested that if the girl wanted to have an affair with him he would make sure she stayed in Canada. If not...maybe she wouldn't be so lucky. The worst part is that no one knows how many people may have received similar 'offers' in the past. Imagine if someone out there was deported for not having sex with this guy?

For being a sick, predatory sexual deviant I am giving the 16th BOTW award to Steve Ellis. Keep it in your pants Steve.

Until next time remember, no Payne, no gain.


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