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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Taylor wins Idol!

Ok so my career as a hockey prognosticator is clearly not going to work out but I was right about Taylor! It wasn't even close and I think anyone watching knew Katharine was done for. Anyway here are some of my observations from the final show.
  • The best song of the night was U2's 'One' by Elliott Yamin and Mary J Blige. That song sent shivers down my spine and I will definitely illegally download it as soon as it is available (Quit rolling your eyes Chris)
  • The worst song of the night I think was either of the finalists duets, and not because of them either. I thought Meatloaf was awful and Toni Braxton I think either had mic problems or she was loaded. Perhaps a combination of both. Nice outfit though!
  • Hearing Lispy boy sing 'What's New Pussycat' was terrible. I wanted to crawl under a rock. Absolutely horrendous. Enough said.
  • I thought it was ironic hearing Mandisa sing 'I'm Every Woman'...
  • The Brokenote Cowboys sounded pretty good actually...except for the one that resembled Gollem.
  • Why did Kelly cut her hair? I hate that.
  • Clay Aitken made a great appearance, surprising his copycat with a decent version of 'Don't let the sun go down on me'
  • Loved Randy's Glasses
  • Hated Paula's hair
  • Did you see Katharine's Mom's outfit? I see where Katharine gets it from.
  • I figured out winning or losing doesn't matter on Idol. If you make the top 12 you will find work. Chris Daughtry is still my favourite and I will definitely illegally download his music too!
  • Finishing 2nd on American Idol is still better than winning Canadian Idol...Actually finishing 12th on American Idol is probably better than winning Canadian Idol.
  • I am reeeeeally tired of the Canadian Idol ads. I am not going to watch, just because of the commercials. Especially the guy singing; 'I'm standing here until you make me moo-oo-oove' I get it, he sucks. Quit showing it.

I am a little embarrassed frankly of the fact that I watched American Idol when there was NHL and Memorial Cup action at the same time, but the games weren't elimination games and I am still sulking that my Canucks aren't in. I do grudgingly support Edmonton since they are the only Canadian team in, but it was the FINALE of American Idol. How could I miss that? Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!


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