I am very opinionated and patriotic. I don't apologize for either one. Sarcasm is something I find virtuous and I truly believe laughter solves everything....if it doesn't I don't mind a little violence either as long as it's fair. If you like my blog then show some of your friends. If you don't like it then let me know. Feel free to send me your comments and I will post most of them even if I don't agree. If you want to contact me my email address is canux.fan@yahoo.ca

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Smoking Ban in Ontario/Quebec

Effective today it is now illegal to smoke inside public places in Ontario and Quebec and many bar/restaurant owners are upset...Waaaaah! Cry me a river. This law is long overdue and I think the upside far outweighs the often exaggerated downside.

Smoking bans are nothing new, it just seems that way to Ontario and Quebec who are about to join the majority of provinces that have had the ban for some time. I lived in BC when the ban came into effect in Victoria way back in 2001 and I found it to be so refreshing to be able to go to a restaurant and not smell that awful smell. Going to the bar used to be disgusting with that blue haze of smoke stinking up anything in its path. With the ban in effect I actually enjoyed going out more.

Many businesses cry foul and say they will lose money but for the most part that seems to only be temporary in most cases and then the profits stabilize. That has been the case in BC, Manitoba and others. If you look at the larger picture the economy as a whole actually improves in the long run since health care costs decrease as less people are effected by toxic smoke. The most important aspect of all is that mortality rates also drop. You may not know this but cigarettes actually kill people.

It baffles me that in this day and age that people start smoking. I understand why people who have smoked for a long time have trouble quitting as it is an addictive substance but why START smoking in the first place? Don't get me wrong, I have vices too (like food) but some vices are understandable. Some people use alcohol which occasionally tastes good and provides a sense of euphoria. Greasy or sugary foods may be unhealthy but they taste great. drugs like Marijuana and cocaine may be illegal but most people also get a high from them. What does smoking provide? Is it for the flavour? The image? The lovely yellow tint on teeth and fingers? I'm not going to hash out the myriad diseases that smoking causes as I think you get it so why risk it?

With all that in mind I find it incredibly unfair to subject non-smokers to such a deadly thing as second-hand smoke. Many of you have heard of the death of long-time waitress Heather Crowe (featured in anti-smoking ads) who contracted terminal lung cancer after 40 years of exposure to second-hand smoke. What a lot of people don't realize is that about 1000 people a year die from 2nd hand smoke with many of those exposed at work.

Could you imagine if your employer made you work in a building where toxic gas was pumped into your workspace the whole time you were working? Obviously there would be lawsuits and criminal charges so why should smoking be any different?

Frankly I think the Federal Government needs to make a nation-wide smoking ban to ensure standardization across the country. As it stands now the businesses that really suffer are those that are close to an aboriginal run business. You see First Nations are not obligated to obey provincial laws, only federal ones. This means that if a smoker has a choice between an establishment that bans smoking and one that doesn't where do you think he will go? First Nations are taking advantage of this by stealing business from those poor souls that must obey the law and I think it sucks. Unfortunately until the Feds change the law this ridiculous situation will continue.

Something for you to think about; Around the world someone dies every 10 seconds because of cigarette smoking, so in the time it took me to write this blog entry, 270 people died. In Canada every 8 hours or so, someone in this country dies as a result of second hand smoke. Maybe it's time people stopped bitching and realize that there is a whole lot more at stake than the profits of some bar.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Teddy Bears Picnic - Shining Example for our Health Care System?

The kids had anticipated this annual pilgrimage to Assiniboine Park for weeks but when the big day came, so did the big thunderstorm. It seemed like all was lost but then the weather slowly began to clear and I figured that since the conditions were less than ideal that the crowds would be small. I was wrong.

I found a parking spot just a short 3 or 4 km hike from the park and began the trek along with the kids and their wounded stuffed animals. When we set foot in the venue it was obvious that the turnout was huge.

There were in the neighborhood of 50 tents of varying sizes set up in an easy to follow layout with something for everyone. Souvenirs, crafts, displays by the police and fire departments and local media and plenty of entertainment on two stages. Since we arrived later in the day some of the venues were pretty craptacular, such as the 'teach your bear' tent and the Mcdonald's 'Mcfun tent' that seemed pretty McClosed and McBoring respectively. It didn't matter though as the kids got junk food and painted faces and the opportunity to hug a myriad of mascots. In fact you couldn't swing a teddy bear without hitting a mascot, and most gave out stickers or candy.

The highlight of the picnic as always is the B*A*S*H*, (Bears Ambulatory Surgical Hospital) tent. This masterpiece of Health care ensures that within 20 minutes or so of being admitted, your stuffed animal has been treated and released. That is waaaaaaay better than the 6 months I waited for a specialist appt, or the 7 hours my son waited to get treatment for a broken nose.

A very slick scheduling system lets you make an appt and then visit the other displays until it's your turn. That way there are much shorter line-ups.

Finally the moment arrived that the kids got to see the 'Health BEAR Professionals' and not a moment to soon. My son's dog (Gidget) suffered from a broken eye while it was skateboarding, and my daughter's monkey (Bonsai) contracted bacterial tracheitis, (My daughter suffered from this lung infection earlier and thought it fitting to afflict her monkey). Not a broken leg, or a cut, or a sore tummy, but bacterial tracheitis. I digress.

The tent was set up similar to the workflow of a regular hospital with admitting, followed by referral to many different areas such as Orthopedics, Surgery, X-Ray and others. After that it was on to Rehabilitation or the Pharmacy to pick up the required medicine. The volunteers were wonderful, dressed in their hospital gear and surrounded by real hospital equipment to let the kids have a great experience. There were coloured IV's and cute little teddy bear x-rays as well as a little health record that showed kids the diagnosis and various treatments their stuffed animals received. All in all a fantastic experience for everyone.

I couldn't help but think about some additions they could have for next year like an addictions centre, or perhaps a 'Teddy-Morgue' but then I am twisted and find humour in strange things.

The bottom line is that the kids had fun while learning about health care, and lots of money was raised for the Children's Hospital Foundation. A great charity and a fabulous event that I can't wait for next year.

Wouldn't it be nice if the real world was as efficient as the B*A*S*H* tent? By the way, even though Gidget has a little scar over his eye, he is expected to make a full recovery while Bonsai is taking antibiotics and is expected to pull through.

Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Brand New Feature - Bonehead of the Week

As promised welcome to the debut of my weekly feature BONEHEAD OF THE WEEK. Since I don't usually have time to blog on the weekends I was trying to come up with something short and sweet but entertaining that I could squeeze in. So each weekend I will identify someone that I think is a total bonehead and explain why. The BOTW could be a sports figure or a person in the news or even someone I encounter on the street so beware! It might be you. Now it's time to unveil the inaugural BOTW.

Punter/Placekicker Duncan O'Mahony started his career with the Calgary Stampeders and after 3 years made the move to the BC Lions where his punting skills were displayed with regularity. Playing in front of his hometown seemed to be a dream come true for 'the Leprechaun' but unfortunately he soon became somewhat of an enigma. While he still punted well his placekicking got sketchy and so did his relationship with the media. The pressure increased with every missed field goal and near the end of the 05 season he lost the kicking job to retired former Calgary kicker Mark McLaughlin and after the season was not invited back.

It seemed like the sad sack Bombers were trying to replace departed punter Jon Ryan and push incumbent kicker and longtime Bomber fixture Troy Westwood by signing O'Mahony. The change could have been good for him but it was not to be. It seems the Leprechaun was reluctant to move to the mosquito capital of Canada. (I can't say I blame him, I wasn't too happy about it when I first got here either, bu after more than 10 years it kind of grow on you. Like a tumour) So when the day came for him to fly here he disappeared. He was located a few days later, though some think he never went missing at all and merely decided not to go. The full story has yet to come out but Lions coach Wally Buono mentioned 'previous problems' and a 'relapse' which leads me to speculate that it is some sort of substance abuse problem. Only time will tell if the full story ever comes out.

Now I often take a moral stand on one side or another of any given issue, but this isn't that kind of blog entry. All I know is that getting paid to kick a football is better than a real job, and even though football kickers are in the same class as hockey goalies and pitchers for being wierd, why would you ruin it by pulling a no-show?

For being an inconsistent, abbrasive lunatic I hereby award (former?) kicker Duncan O'Mahony the inaugural BONEHEAD OF THE WEEK award.

See you next week.

Friday, May 26, 2006

UFC - Hughes vs Gracie and The Ultimate Fighter 3

I am so excited about UFC60 I can't stand it. Hughes vs Gracie is the most anticipated fight ever and I can't wait to see Gracie come down to the Octagon with the whole Gracie clan in tow. UFC has exploded in popularity and between the PPV shows and the reality show 'Ultimate Fighter' it seems that Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is everywhere.


Last night on the Ultimate Fighter 3 we saw Matt the deaf guy's Girlfriend (Danny Abbadi) match up with Ed Herman, the self proclaimed champ. While Herman had some serious credentials his cockiness is irritating and seeing him lose would have been great. I mean the guy is calling out Ortiz...The guy is nuttier than squirrel poo. Nevertheless as the show wound down to fight time we saw the usual set up with Matt helping Danny train and lots of smack talk but in the end the fight went as expected. Except for a solid shot thrown by Danny he ended up on his back and was never a factor. It ended when Ed threw in an Arm bar that I swore should have torn Danny's arm out of the socket but didn't. Seconds later Danny tapped and it was all over.

The second round should be pretty good with 3 excellent middleweights left. The odd man out will be beanpole Rory that fluked his way into the second round. 1 fight left in the light heavy division that will pitch the wrestler Matt vs the street fighter and tattoo artist Mike. I think Mike will be in over his head and get submitted quickly by Matt. One thing is for sure, the only sandwiches Matt will get this time will be of the knuckle variety.


I hate Matt Hughes. There I said it. Do I respect his skill level? Do I respect his work ethic? Yes to both, but he is so cocky. I thought he was a jerk on TUF2 as a coach and I want to see him lose. Royce Gracie is a legend and even though I want him to win, I don't see it happening. Here is my prediction; Hughes by decision. The way I look at it Gracie likes long fights where he can wear a guy down and/or pounce on a mistake. He isn't going to stand and trade so it's about submissions and Hughes isn't likely to make those kinds of mistakes. Hughes may say he will knock out Gracie but bigger and stronger guys have tried to do that and Gracie has never been KO'd so that won't happen either. Likely the fight will go to the ground and Hughes will outpoint Gracie and get a judge's decision. I imagine the fight won't be that exciting, unless of course Gracie pulls off the upset. That'd be sweet. There is a remote possibility that Hughes slips up and Gracie would finish him quick but we'll see.

There are some other matches of note that we may or may not see depending on the time constraints here a few that interest me;

Horn vs Sonnen. I like Horn, tons of experience I say he wins by knockout.

Guillard vs Davis, I don't know much about Davis but Guillard has been pretty good as a small man in the welterweight division so I imagine as a lightweight he will be phenomenal. Guillard by submission.

Sanchez vs Alessio, I hate the 'Nightmare' also and Alessio is from my hometown so I am dreaming of an upset but I am afraid I will have a 'nightmare' and Sanchez will win with a good ground and pound.

Swick vs Riggs, Riggs has lost a couple of big fights and will try and change his luck. Can Mike 'Quick' Swick lock in the 'Swickotine' on Diesel? I doubt it. Both these guys throw bombs so it is going to be the best fight of the night I think. the fight ends on a knockout by who I am not sure but I will say Riggs.

Vera vs Silva, the 'Truth' claims he prefers the ground but keeps knocking guys out. I think this time though it will go to the ground and Vera still takes it by submission over the crafty Silva.

There are other fights but none that I care about and it's my blog so :p If you want to know more click my 'Ultimate Fighting' link on the right to get to the UFC website.

The countdown is on to the big fight and I can't wait. If you have never checked out the UFC you will definitely get your money's worth at only 40 bucks, or you can see it in an ever-increasing number of sports bars right across the country. Watch it and you won't regret it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and make sure you check back in here at NPNG for the newest feature that will debut tomorrow with the inaugural NPNG 'Bonehead of the Week.' Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Summer Fun Ideas

Summer is fast approaching, and with the nicer weather comes the age-old question; what am I gonna do for summer vacation? This is a universal question that has faced people of all ages throughout history. Well thanks to me, you will never have to worry since I am going to share with you my ideas for summer fun!

Paintball is the best time you can have with a LOT of clothes on. Nothing beats the exhilaration of blasting away at someone with so much paint that they end up resembling a modern art masterpiece! It’s made so much better by the fact that if you are the one that gets hit, it hurts like you wouldn’t believe, especially in the back of the neck or the back of the knee. That fear/excitement is the key! Oh and by the way, when setting up teams NEVER do shirts and skins.

Camping is a peaceful alternative as long as you aren’t a wuss that can’t sleep anywhere but in a bed inside. The key to camping is lots of groceries, and if you aren’t in a public campground, lots of booze. If you have children though you will want to bring lots of toys for them, and it’s probably not good to drink a beer in front of the kids, so try rum, it’s easier to hide! Sunscreen and bug repellent are also a good idea.

Picnics are always fun since you can have them anywhere and for as long as you need. Sometimes I will have a picnic over my lunch hour, though spreading a blanket out in the company parking lot does get people staring. A great place to picnic is probably the beach; many even have picnic tables and bbq pits. The best part is that when people go for a swim they often leave some really tasty morsels unattended and that is great for the budget conscious like me. Yoink!

If money is no object, a road trip can be fun. I have often driven to BC to visit with family and that can make for some long days. There are a few things you can do to pass the time. In fact most of the activities I have already mentioned you could also include on a road trip, although the authorities frown upon you shooting other motorists with paintball guns so you may want to skip that one. In addition you can pack videogames or DVD’s along and singing along to some music on CD is great too. I sometimes have trouble driving when I play handheld videogames but cruise control really helps. 1 word of caution though, fast food is encouraged on road trips but try to avoid anything from the chilli/burrito food group. (Yes in my world it is a food group)

For those on a tight budget swimming can be a lot of fun. There are many places available; Community pools, beaches, rivers, lakes, and of course swimming pools in the back yards of neighbours that are off on more expensive vacations. Just remember not to swim on a full stomach.

If you are of fair complexion like myself then maybe the great outdoors just aren’t that great for you. In that case let me recommend a good rousing game of poker. With the recent surge in the popularity of the sport you are bound to find a few people willing to play. I should caution you though that strip poker isn’t much fun when the group you play with are all guys in there 30’s.

Finally for those really hot days nothing beats sitting in your house with the air conditioning on and using your children to get you ice cream or other treats from the store. It’s a win-win if you think about it. Kids will do nearly anything if you buy them a chocolate bar for their efforts and if your kids are old enough to have a fake ID they can even get you beer!

So there you have it. Some sure fire ways to help you plan your summer! There are a few other things you can do like have house parties or play videogames for hours on end. Basically the possibilities are endless so use this guide and your own imagination to come up with all sorts of fun alternatives. If all else fails, just introduce alcohol, the universal ingredient for fun! Have a great summer and feel free to tell me your ideas for fun. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Taylor wins Idol!

Ok so my career as a hockey prognosticator is clearly not going to work out but I was right about Taylor! It wasn't even close and I think anyone watching knew Katharine was done for. Anyway here are some of my observations from the final show.
  • The best song of the night was U2's 'One' by Elliott Yamin and Mary J Blige. That song sent shivers down my spine and I will definitely illegally download it as soon as it is available (Quit rolling your eyes Chris)
  • The worst song of the night I think was either of the finalists duets, and not because of them either. I thought Meatloaf was awful and Toni Braxton I think either had mic problems or she was loaded. Perhaps a combination of both. Nice outfit though!
  • Hearing Lispy boy sing 'What's New Pussycat' was terrible. I wanted to crawl under a rock. Absolutely horrendous. Enough said.
  • I thought it was ironic hearing Mandisa sing 'I'm Every Woman'...
  • The Brokenote Cowboys sounded pretty good actually...except for the one that resembled Gollem.
  • Why did Kelly cut her hair? I hate that.
  • Clay Aitken made a great appearance, surprising his copycat with a decent version of 'Don't let the sun go down on me'
  • Loved Randy's Glasses
  • Hated Paula's hair
  • Did you see Katharine's Mom's outfit? I see where Katharine gets it from.
  • I figured out winning or losing doesn't matter on Idol. If you make the top 12 you will find work. Chris Daughtry is still my favourite and I will definitely illegally download his music too!
  • Finishing 2nd on American Idol is still better than winning Canadian Idol...Actually finishing 12th on American Idol is probably better than winning Canadian Idol.
  • I am reeeeeally tired of the Canadian Idol ads. I am not going to watch, just because of the commercials. Especially the guy singing; 'I'm standing here until you make me moo-oo-oove' I get it, he sucks. Quit showing it.

I am a little embarrassed frankly of the fact that I watched American Idol when there was NHL and Memorial Cup action at the same time, but the games weren't elimination games and I am still sulking that my Canucks aren't in. I do grudgingly support Edmonton since they are the only Canadian team in, but it was the FINALE of American Idol. How could I miss that? Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Quick Hit - NHL Playoffs and Memorial Cup

Last night’s game between Edmonton and Anaheim, (if you didn’t know who played stop reading now you non-fan) was the most sphincter-tightening, edge-of-your-seat, explosive finish yet this year.

I found most of the first and second periods boring with the exception of the violence of the first few minutes. Nice to see a few duke-a-roo’s in the playoffs these days.

The third period was awesome! I thought the building was gonna shake itself apart with the crowd going so crazy. Georges Laracque helped pump the crowd up too and was all smiles in the penalty box after tossing Todd Fedoruk down. I couldn’t believe the Steve Staios goal either. Did you see that drop pass by Samsonov?! Unreal! Did it ever make Bryzgalov look stupid.

Lots of rough stuff which I eat up, and then just when it seemed to be over the Ducks fought back and looked to tie it late but Roloson, who had been flopping around like a fat kid in a candy grab all night, said no. The Oil hung on for a BIG victory in game 3 and are poised for the sweep.

By comparison the Carolina/Buffalo series seems anti-climactic, though I will watch it anyway. Now when I watch I wonder which team Edmonton would have a better chance against but I digress.

Just a quick note on the Memorial Cup before I go. The Vancouver Giants pulled off a badly needed win last night against the Petes to set up a tie-breaker between the same two teams on Thursday. Moncton and Quebec will fight to see who gets a bye and the loser will face the winner of the Petes/Giants game for the semi. No team has ever won the Mem cup after coming out of a tiebreaker. Hopefully the Giants can change that.

For these kids it really is do or die, as several of them will finish their junior hockey careers upon completion of this tournament. Wouldn’t it be great to go out a winner? Until next time I remember, no Payne no gain.

Caledonia Native Protests

So I see that tensions have eased near Caledonia and the protestors have removed the barricade. All I can say is that it is about time.

The whole thing sickens me with all the idiotic behaviour (from natives and non-natives alike) The upside down Canadian flag was the worst for me though. I understand they are upset and rightfully so, but there a lot of places worse than Canada. There are several countries around the world that would make you disappear for expressing your views so they need to grow up!

The thing that spurred me on this morning was a poll on Canada AM asking who the public supports in this; Natives, non-natives, or neither. the majority supported the natives and that is fair but one letter writer from the Six Nations Band had the audacity to write; "Our protest is with the government not the residents of Caledonia so I don't know why they're angry at us." ...hmmmmm I wonder. Could it be the fact that you are blocking a road that the community uses? Could it be the fact that the threat of escalating violence worries the town? Or how about the unwanted addition of hundreds of non-residents to protest on both sides as well as the intrusion of the media? Maybe it was the riot. Let's not forget the power outage either? You know, the one caused by yanking down a hydro tower and using it as a barricade?

Seriously, how idiotic of a comment. That is like me pushing you down so I can punch the guy behind you and then saying "don't be mad at me I was only trying to hit the other guy."

Protesting successfully means getting public opinion on your side and actions like this actually leave me inclined to be against the natives not with them. I am sick of the whole issue, let's hope it gets resolved soon before something more serious happens.

Quick Hit - American Idol

I missed some of the show last night but it seemed to me that the best performance of the night last night was by Daniel Powter to close the show with 'Bad Day.' Frankly I am more excited by the news that Chris Daughtry got a record deal than I am about who wins this.

That being said I am so tired of Katharine McPhee and her 'sultry' schtick. It is so overdone and the only thing I think of about her is that her style is far too common. I think she may have outperformed Taylor last night but he still seems to be far more professional and hey, Simon thinks he should win so I will stick with my prediction.

Taylor Hicks wins American Idol.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Blogger Buffet - Thoughts On A Long Weekend

Hello and welcome to my 50th post! The long weekend is almost over and I thought it would be a good time for a few random musings. Baseball, Hockey, Sunburns, American Idol and more, please grab a plate and head down the table, just don't bite off more than you can chew.

  • THE WINNIPEG GOLDEYES - For those of you that didn't know, Winnipeg has a team in the A level independant Northern League. The tickets are cheap, the field is excellent and the weather was fantastic. We watched the Goldeyes close out a 3 game series with their 3rd consecutive victory over the Joliet Jackhammers. This is the best family entertainment I have seen as far as value for what you pay. Good baseball and nifty giveaways make for a great afternoon. The only downside was that I didn't wear sunscreen...I am so pale I am almost see through and I NEED sunscreen. Luckily only my face and hands were exposed so only my neck and the right side of my face is currently a charred wasteland. It only hurts when I am conscious.
  • BLUE BOMBERS KICKER MISSING - Very strange, the 'Leprechaun' disappeared after arriving in Calgary from Vancouver and missed a planned visit with a friend and never made the connecting flight to Winnipeg. Family are concerned and the situation is bizarre enough that some are suspecting foul play. Let's hope he is alright and able to miss field goals for the Bombers this year.
  • THE NHL PLAYOFFS - I can't believe that this Edmonton club is the same one that struggled just to make the playoffs. Peca, Pronger and Roloson are all playing the best of their careers after some poor play earlier. Some were even calling Pronger & Peca washed up. I guess I was wrong and the Oil with just two victories to go until the finals appear to be Canada's team of destiny. I like their chances against Carolina or Buffalo but we mustn't forget that Anaheim is very good on the road and isn't quite ready to roll over. Both games have been hard fought and very easily could have gone against the Oilers. I still think this series will go at least 6, especially with Edmonton fighting a flu bug.
  • AMERICAN IDOL FINAL TWO - The Silver Fox vs the Foxy Sliver. Tough to call as these two are so entirely different but I still give the edge to Taylor, he is more polished and unique. Katherine is hot and sultry but these days that is a dime a dozen and in a market cluttered with the likes of Carey, Aguilera, Clarkson and other songstresses she simply seems to blend in. Mark my words, Taylor wins.
  • CANADIAN MAN CIRCUMNAVIGATES THE GLOBE WITH HUMAN POWER - Colin Angus finishes a trip around the world by walking, cycling and rowing. He started out with a friend but after a falling out he carried on from Russia with his fiancee. He is ready to release a documentary as well as a book and all I can think about his monumental journey is...who cares? Sounds like a slacker without a job to me. It's not that I don't admire his fortitude and sacrifice, I just don't see the relevance of wasting months to prove that you can get around the world slower than virtually every other mode of transport available. What next? I wonder if I could get sponsored to circumnavigate the globe while sitting in a La-Z-Boy recliner?

Well hopefully that can keep you full until the next blog. Look for a new feature to debut sometime in the next couple of weeks that I hope you will all find entertaining. In the next few days we will have more hockey, some stuff in advance of the big UFC60 event featuring Hughes vs Gracie and musings about Taylor winning Idol. Until next time remember...please use sunscreen! If you'll excuse me I have to coat myself in aloe vera.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Klutzology 101

I am sure that in everyone's life they have had a misstep that has led to some pretty funny and occasionally painful pratfalls. I have done enough 'research' into this topic to qualify as a klutzologist! Some of my 'research' includes but is not limited to;

-Breaking my collarbone in a slip and fall, on two separate occasions.
-Slipping on a hockey rink and knocking myself out cold.
-Tripping on stairs and spraining my ankle
-Jumping (not quite) over a low barrier with my hands in my pockets to impress the ladies in Jr. High then landing on my face. (Mike's favourite story)
-Falling out of trees, tripping over pretty much anything, walking/running into a wide variety of inanimate objects as well as stubbing toes and slamming fingers at will.
-Of course my most infamous episode left me with a bullet wound in my right leg. (yes I was the operator of the firearm used in the incident)

My most recent bit of 'research' happened this morning as I rode my bike to work. It was a cool morning and I was riding along a path that ended with about a 6 inch drop to the road surface. I don't like riding off of something and landing on my front tire so I tend to pull up the front end so that both tires land simultaneously. I suppose that this morning I had been particularly enthusiastic about pulling as I was at about a 45 degree angle as I left the path. It was at this point that I noticed something was terribly wrong.

Y'know how when something bad happens it seems like slow motion? Well this isn't one of those times. I do remember catching a glimpse of my front tire being in a location other than it should have been, then all of a sudden I was doing a speed roll along the pavement. When I had come to rest I wondered what had happened and walked back to where my bike lay and noticed that the front tire was no longer standard equipment. I, in my infinite wisdom, didn't realize I had a quick release front tire. It works well apparently. I ended up carrying my now 2 piece bike home rather sheepishly before walking to work. Luckily all I hurt was my pride.

This latest 'research' proved to me about the importance of knowing your equipment. I likely would have checked my front tire more often had I bothered to realize it was a quick-release. I'd like to think that I am able to put this incident behind me and learn from my mistakes, but that just wouldn't be my style.

I am after all working towards my Masters degree in Klutzology.

Until next time remember, no Payne, less hospital visits...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

NHL Playoffs - Conference Final Predictions

So here are the scores between me and my worthy adversary, the 1995 quarter, after 2 rounds. Coin 7 of 12, Me 5 of 12. Great, I am less of an expert than a coin!

  • EDMONTON VS ANAHEIM - I can't believe that the Oilers did it, wow. That being said the Oilers are incredibly fast and key acquisitions Pronger, Peca and Roloson look unstoppable. What else can you say about Ryan Smyth? best hockey he's played in years and though it seems strange not to see him at the World's He is leading the Oilers to the type of playoff that we saw in Calgary two years ago. Anaheim hasn't read the script though and with Selanne rejuvenated and getting breakaway passes from Scott Neidermayer, this series will be the most wide open yet. Will Giguere ever get back in to this series? Who knows. I say Oilers in 7. The coin says the same.
  • CAROLINA VS BUFFALO - Rod Brind'Amour is leading this team well and Stillman and Staal are providing timely scoring. Cam Ward is definitely not playing like a rookie and the 'Canes are the highest seeded team left in the playoffs and could prove tough to conquer by a small Sabres squad. Yes the Sabres are small but man are they fast! I swear they could turn off the light and then hop into bed before it got dark! Miller is proving me wrong and ex-Jet Teppo Numminen is playing like ex-Jet Phil Housley. Connoly likely won't be back for a few games and that is a big hole in the line-up. nevertheless I call Sabres in 6. The coin goes with Carolina.

My revised final prediction - Edmonton over Buffalo in 7

Did you know that none of the teams left made the playoffs last time around?

Edmonton is the only team left to ever win a cup.

Buffalo is the 1970 expansion cousin of my beloved (yet chronically under-achieving) Canucks.

Until next time remember, I got my a** kicked by a quarter.

Dangerous Driver Freed

Jason Joseph Eckert, having served less than a year of his 2 years less a day sentence is now free on day parole after his conviction for dangerous driving causing death. Why do I care? Let me tell you a story.

After moving back here in 2003 I decided to drive past my daughter's new school. Unfortunately I came upon the scene of a tragic car accident only moments after it happened. A car driven by 54 year old Gloria Diane Robertson had been reduced in width by a third by the devastating impact of a motorcycle launched out of a back lane at well over 100 kmh. the collision fatally injured Gloria and by the time I got there it was too late to help. My wife held her head as she lay dying and I was about to attempt first aid to Mr Eckert but by then an ambulance could be heard approaching and so we stepped back and went our way. We found out the next morning that Gloria had died. Mr Eckert survived.

Much later it turned out that Mr Eckert worked in the same building as me and I began to hear unsettling rumours about his problems with alcohol and motor vehicles. He nearly got away with it but eventually he was charged. After numerous court appearances and wrangling, and rescheduling Mr Eckert was sentenced to two years less a day despite his horrendous record and legal troubles after the initial accident. Found guilty of assault and penalized at work for several infractions the hope was that he would go to jail. More on that in a moment.

During the course of the next couple of years my family had the pleasure of meeting Gloria's daughter Brenda. A sweet girl with a daughter that attended school only metres from the scene of the tragic accident. Many people were negatively effected by his actions including my wife that has a lingering fear of driving since it all happened. In a horrible twist of fate it seemed Brenda and Mr Eckert lived on the same street. Although times were tough Brenda and our family managed to share a few laughs and comfort each other when needed and we still talk today although admittedly it would have been nicer to meet under better circumstances.

Back to court. The judge in his infinite wisdom, (he would later win Columnist Tom Brodbeck's '8 ball award' for his ridiculous findings) decided that Mr Eckert was remorseful and could therefore serve the sentence in his home, down the street from Brenda. He was even allowed to keep his job as Brenda lost hers. It was devastating for everyone. Mr Eckert managed to abide by the rules for exactly 1 day before breaching his conditions and was then remanded to prison to serve out his sentence.

After less than a year he is out, has a place to live and even a job. He is prohibited from driving but that didn't stop him before. He was lucky to have friends and family offer testimony as to his character so that he could be freed. Brenda was alone, like every other day because Mr Eckert killed her Mom. She has no job and has problems every day of her life trying to cope with this awful catastrophe.

The main fear is that, as his track record clearly shows, he will reoffend. The sentencing principles are supposed to 'deter' and 'keep the public safe' some may even argue 'rehabilitation.' There isn't much deterrence in a 6 month sentence for killing someone, I don't think he has been rehabilitated, and the public is certainly at risk.

I wish I had something snappy to say that would tie everything together and make sense of this horrific situation, but this isn't a hollywood movie and there doesn't seem to be a happy ending. Brenda continues to search for a new job while trying to find meaning in her life, perhaps in some sort of victim's advocacy role. She is strong and with the support of her daughter there is hope. And Mr Eckert? He starts his new job soon and though he insists it is only for use on private property, he already has a new motorcycle.

Blogger Buffet

I hope everyone is enjoying our beautiful Spring weather. As a long time seasonal allergy sufferer I know I am enjoying the season. As long as I am inside with the air conditioner going and heavily medicated. So while I am stuck inside I thought I would tie up a few loose ends and have another 'Blogger Buffet' with subjects ranging from federal opposition parties to American Idol and more. Let's get to it, I'm famished!

  • DEFENCE CRITICS - I watched a segment on Canada AM on CTV this morning and listened to Russ Hiebert, parliamentary secretary to the defence minister, defending the government's decision to extend the mission in Afghanistan. I am not going to bother going on about that mission, (for once, but maybe another day) as it was something else entirely that got me going this time. I listened to NDP defence critic Dawn Black and Liberal defence critic Ujjal Dosanjh moan about there dislike for the idea when it hit me. Wasn't Ujjal just the Minister of Health? How does he suddenly know about the military? Has he ever served? Any experience with DND? Same goes for Dawn Black, I doubt she ever fit in uniform so what qualifies them to speak to these issues? It makes me sick.
  • ORIGINAL SURVIVOR WINNER RICHARD HATCH - He goes to jail for not paying his sizeable taxes and stole or 'borrowed' money from his own charitable foundation. Yah good one Richard, it wasn't like anyone knew you had a pile of money or anything...At least he doesn't have to worry about what most men worry about when they go to prison. In fact that might be seen as a positive. I wonder if they have immunity idols in prison and what the 'challenges' would be like. At least he doesn't have to spend time with Crazy Sue while he's locked up.
  • AMERICAN IDOL- I liked Taylor from day one but eventually began to cheer for Chris. He's gone and it looks like the "Silver Fox" will beat jug ears Elliott and stuck up Katharine. I still think Chris will end up with more fame in the long run.
  • THE MANITOBA MOOSE - I now know a second universal sign for choking...The Manitoba Moose logo! What a horrendous failure. I haven't seen a collapse like that since my Dad built me a tree fort (minus the tree). How do you blow a 4-1 lead in game 7? The worst part of this is that it could be an ignominious end to Mike Keane's stellar career. Not to mention the retirement of Moose Broadcaster Kelly Moore after 12 years. A shame he didn't get to call a championship.
  • GAME 6 OILERS VS SHARKS - Toskala gets the start and I think he will be worried about Nabokov replacing him and that will make him try to hard. If he isn't relaxed he should blow it and the dynamic duo of Cheechoo and Thornton seems lost. Nieminen can't do anything except take stupid penalties and the Oilers seem determined. It ends tonight with a convincing victory.
  • GUN REGISTRY - Huge waste of money, ineffective from the start and another coil on the steaming dung-heap that was the Liberal Government. It is very refreshing to see the Harper Government slowly dismantling this boondoggle. (I always wanted to use that word!) I wish someone could explain to me how charging some law-abiding citizen to register his rifle with some bureaucratic monster is going to stop someone from shooting me with a stolen pistol. Why not spend that money on more resources for the police, and levy stiffer sentences to criminals that use a gun in the commission of a crime? Nah that would never work (I am rolling my eyes).
  • THE DA VINCI CODE - I read the book and I can't wait to see the movie! Unfortunately there is a lot of controversy surrounding its religious content and it's possible misrepresentation. I don't get it. It is a work of fiction, I know it isn't true. I didn't watch Friday the 13th and assume that all goalies were unkillable, machete-wielding murderers. I knew it was fiction and enjoyed it. People need to lighten up. Watch the movie and then complain.

Alas it is time for me to take more Claritin before my head explodes but I hope you enjoyed the buffet. Tonight should be a great night for viewing as hockey is back tonight and we get to see who the final two are on Idol. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

NHL Playoffs - Off Nights

A few posts ago I said the playoffs were like Christmas. Well yesterday and today were more like Christmas Eve in that I know there is going to be goodies tomorrow but I have to wait until I get them.

I got into my usual playoff mode yesterday, rushing home from work and feigning interest in my family until after supper when James Duthie and the crew at TSN do their pre-game set up for the night's action. Apparently one of my children accomplished something major yesterday but all I could think about was who would win in the Eastern Conference between Carolina and Buffalo.

Just as I finished scarfing down dinner it donned on me that there would be no hockey until Wednesday as the Edmonton - San Jose series was the only 2nd round match still going. "Noooooooooooooooooo!" I exclaimed to which my wife responded; "What do you mean no? that is a great achievement for your daughter. You should be proud." It was then that I reluctantly passed on my congratulations and moped about not having hockey.

I hate off nights during the NHL Playoffs. It isn't fair to get us all worked up and then after a month of games every night just shut us out cold turkey like that. I need my hockey fix, I don't care how I get it either.

All was not lost however as good old Shaw cable had the Manitoba Moose vs Grand Rapids Griffins on TV! Phew! Close one. Not the best production values however so I did fit in a little nap before the Moose won. Who does the camera work for Shaw anyway? It's awful, I haven't seen anything that unsteady since I sold my Ford.

I need the NHL playoffs back in a hurry....c'mon Santa come through for me since you never gave me that bike I asked for! Oh well one more night I guess. Until next time remember no Payne, no gain!

Monday, May 15, 2006

My Pet Peeves!

I realized that with my advancing age I am starting to notice my pet peeves a lot more. I don’t know if I have more or if I am just more intolerant of certain things but I have a lot of them. Some make sense like when people answer with “Huh?” But others are totally irrational, like when people take stuff out of a microwave early and then don’t hit ‘clear’ so I can’t read the clock. I thought on a slow day like today I would write down a few that you might agree with and some that will confirm what you already know…something is seriously wrong with my brain.

People not closing doors, did you forget how to operate it? Is that an invite for others to come in?
People leaving lights on when they leave a room. Maybe you are afraid of the dark, but the room isn’t
People saying ‘but’ as in “I agree with what you’re saying but I would like to do it this way” or “I know you are busy but I need this from you” If you agree with me then agree with me and if you know I am busy leave me alone!….or I will blog about you behind your back.
Girls that let out a high-pitched scream over minor things; Example dropping something, tripping, getting chased by an axe wielding maniac etc. Anonymous but you know who you are so now my wife can’t say I don’t mention her in my blog. D’Oh!
Guys that punch inanimate objects when angered. (Unless I am the one doing the punching in which case it is perfectly acceptable) You can’t beat an inanimate object, it has no feelings.
People that don’t say excuse me when nudging past you. That’s just rude…those people should be punched instead of inanimate objects.
People that press the crosswalk signal or the elevator button after I already pressed it. (What? Did I do it wrong? Can you press it better? Do you have a secret technique?)
Unhappy people doing customer service. If you are not happy then find a new job. I just want my Quarter pounder with cheese, hold the attitude. Aren’t the smiles still free?
Parents that let children have tantrums in public places. Get a grip, if you let them get away with that they will grow up and become politicians, or reality show cast members.
Disrespectful people -
People on public transit (or anywhere for that matter) that don’t give up their seats to the old. They’ve lived longer than you, show some courtesy and let them sit. Same goes for disabled people, have a heart and sit.
Yellow crayons – I dunno, I just hate how it looks on paper
Green cars – Green is a good colour for a crayon, not a car, especially light green
Blue hair – Unless you are an old person, then it’s a requirement.
Red eyes – Leanr to use the red eye reduction mode on your camera, or stop taking pictures in the dark.
The Dutch (just kidding)

I have more, (like girls leaving the toilet seat down, what if we go in the middle of the night and pee on the seat?) but I guess that’s it for now. If you have any I would love to hear from you. I will publish any that you write, just click down below where it says comments. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Afghanistan - I Finally Figured it Out

I have written about Afghanistan a few times since I began blogging and I always think "Ok, this is the last one." Then I see something on TV or hear something on the radio or listen to someone yammering about it and I get pissed off. So here I am again writing about Afghanistan, but this time I think I've figured out why people are so unsupportive.

For much of the 20th century Canada has been well respected around the world for being firm and fair and working hard. Pretty good for such a young country. I think I could make a case that we are much less respected now.

When World War I broke out in Europe we quickly jumped in with both feet to support our allies in the battle against tyranny. Yes there was dissent, especially about conscription but for the most part the public supported the efforts of the military.

World War II spanned the globe and involved a lot more countries and support was huge. Rationing, food stamps, restrictions all made life difficult, not to mention the casualties yet support was steadfast because society realized that we had a responsibility to defend the freedom of our allies and ourselves.

It is interesting to note that many of the people that lived through these events placed high value on concepts such as respect, loyalty and responsibility. I am sure you have heard parents or grandparents complain about how rude people are these days and everyone generally agrees that the moral fibre of our society is much thinner now than it used to be. What about the importance of finishing what you start?

More and more people think only of themseleves instead of others and I believe this is partially reponsible for our current attitude towards the Afghanistan deployment. Am I reaching? Think about it. When is the last time you helped someone in need? If you saw someone being mugged or assaulted would you intervene? Have you ever been in a tight spot and wondered afterwards why no one helped you? Canadians knew that fighting World War II would be difficult after the high casualty rate of WWI but understood that we had a responsibility to help our allies and so we got involved.

I believe that just as Canadians have become less and less interestec in helping their fellow man, so to has the public grown less supportive of anything dangerous regardless of the importance of the task.

Many people point to Darfur as a place we should send our troops, saying that this is 'peacekeeping' and that is what we should really be doing. Why stay in Afghanistan when it is so dangerous? Well I think I have an answer. Afghanistan's government asked us to help them rout the Taliban and help rebuild their shattered country. The Afghan people want us there. The citizens we've given medical aid too want us there, the educators want us there, the citizens trying to rebuild their lives and develop their economy want us there. In fact the only people that don't want us there are the toppled Taliban regime that wants to regain power and resume their terrorist culture.

What about Darfur? Well first off to paraphrase Sun Columnist Peter Worthington it is a quagmire that should be settled by African interlopers. Neither side really wants to stop fighting and it is doubtful that the presence of Canadian troops (who would be vastly outnumbered) would necessarily change anything. Romeo Dallaire, the retired Canadian General that witnessed the Rwandan genocide has changed his tune and admits that "Colonial intervention should be avoided."

Canadians want our troops 'safe and sound' babysitting UN food convoys and staying away from flying bullets. Well the way I look at it their isn't a lot that our military can do in Darfur. Our government can offer economic aid and work on the diplomatic front but until both sides truly agree to stop the fighting our efforts would be fruitless.

Afghanistan on the other hand, for those that have been there, is seeing real change, and our military is doing excellent work there. In fact just yesterday Candian Forces captured 10 members of the Taliban and confiscated plans, and military equipment used to make Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) similar to what was used on our fallen soldiers.

The Canadian public needs to wake up and realize that Afghanistan is not Iraq, and that 'peacekeeping' no longer exists. We need to earn back our respect on the world stage by maintaining our loyalty to our troops and take care of our responsibility by finishing the task we started in Afghanistan. It is those principles that made us great and it's time we remembered that.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My Daughter rules!

Last night after months of preparation and hard work my daughter presented her heritage fair project to the regional 'Historica' Fair. Her project was about Canadian involvement in WWII and through the process of doing the project she had the opportunity to interview several veterans from the Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as tour museums and meet with historians. She is very passionate about our Veterans and wants people to realize what they did for us.

Last night in front of hundreds of spectators she received the Laurier LaPierre medal for her dedication to and enthusiasm for history and heritage. She received this special award from the Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, John Harvard.

My daughter was honoured to have some of the veterans that she interviewed, come visit her last night so they could see their interviews and see her final product. There were lots of family in attendance as Her Grandmother, Great Grandparents and uncle all showed up to lend their support. The showstopper was when her little brother screamed out to the gathered throng, "That's my sister!" when her name was announced as the award winner.

The look on her face when she received her award was priceless. Mom was crying Dad was smiling it was a huge accomplishment and we are all very proud.

The most important thing for her was to raise awareness of Canada's accomplishments and sacrifices during a scary time in our history. I wanted to repeat her final line that I think made people think.

"I'd like to leave you with one final thought. By the end of World War II over 40,000 Canadians had paid the ultimate price, and that's why this project was so important to me."

I hope when she grows up I can be just like her.

Until next time remember, small Payne, big gain!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to Prove You're a Bigot

I was in a Tim Horton's today lamenting that I had done so poorly during the rrrroll up the rrrrim to lose promotion when an East Indian came in and got in line behind me. He wore a turban and had a beard which indicated to me that he was of the Sikh faith. I know a little about India as I grew up in a predominantly East Indian community and my best friend since I was in grade 2 was also a Sikh. They were the nicest family I have ever met. In fact I called his Mom Massi (MOSS-see) which means My Mother's Sister in Punjabi. I picked up a little of the language as a child and also visited India in 2001. My Massi was always nice to me and taught me a lot about their culture, (although I hated the food) and traditions. She was very proud of me when I accomplished things and treated me like another son. It was her I thought of when the following incident happened.

Back to the local Timmy's. I was in line, and after the Sikh gentleman lined up behind me, in came an older white gentleman (a term I use very loosely). I overheard a conversation that I inevitably would join that went something like this;

Bigot - "Do you know Harbinder that works at (some business) over on Empress?"
Sikh - "No I don't"
Bigot - "He's from India, Harbinder... you don't know him?"
Sikh - "No sorry I don't"
Bigot - "Well you're from India aren't you?"
Sikh - "Yes but I don't know him"
Bigot - "But he's from India"
Sikh - "I don't know everyone in the city"
Bigot - "Are you sure you don't know him?"
This is all I could take and stuck my nose into it as I do from time to time
Payne - "Excuse me Sir but there are maybe 60,000 people from India in this city he obviously doesn't know them all"
Bigot - "I wasn't talking to you"
Payne - "Well I am talking to you, do you know all the redneck bigots in town? No, so why would he know all the East Indians. Grow up."
Bigot - "Mind your own business"
Payne - "I'll make you a deal, I will stay out of it if you stop being ignorant, you're embarrassing yourself"
Bigot - "(unintelligible muttering)"

...and thus ended the conversation. It really annoyed me though and so I had to blog about it. I spent the next few minutes (and Timmy's claims to save time by not having interac) speaking with the gentleman and displaying my limited knowledge of Punjabi to his amusement. He tried to teach me more but I couldn't do it. I got my stack of Timmy's coffee's (and my Large Tea - two milk and two artificial sweetener {I am trying to cut back on sugar}) and said goodbye and he said goodbye with a big smile and I felt pretty good about it.

I understand certain prejudice's in our society though I don't condone them. Although I must admit I don't fully understand people's mistrust of East Indians. I realize, as with most bigotry, the roots begin with a lack of knowledge and understanding. Since Sept 11th it seems anyone with a turban or even a darker complexion is considered a Muslim terrorist. That to me is also strange as most of the muslims I have encountered are a lot more peaceful than many of the caucasians I meet, but that is a blog for another day.

The whole thing really bothers me. Yes there are some extremists out there that are from India. Interjit Singh Reyat and Repudaman Singh Malik are tied to the Air India disaster and there are some gang troubles in the East Indian community but look around. We have extremists in every culture. Look at the Africans in Darfur, or the Muslims in the middle east, or the Asians in Southeast Asia, or how about us caucasians...we are pure as the driven snow aren't we? KKK, IRA, FLQ, the Oklahoma City bombings, the Unabomber...all of these represent white people. Maybe before we look fearfully at others we should as a society take a good long look in the mirror.

I wish everyone could experience other cultures and then maybe this type of misunderstanding and hatred would cease to exist. Where would we be without Comedian, and East Indian, Russell Peters, or Naveen Andrews (Sayid Jarrah on the TV Show "Lost") or finally The Simpsons' Apu ("Thank you come again") at the Kwik-e-Mart in Springfield? Let's all lighten up and celebrate the differences. That would be something my Massi would really be proud of. Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Monday, May 8, 2006

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Buy Another Gazebo

My wife has a serious addiction. It has been a problem for her for 3 years and I don’t think she can be cured. Many of you may also be affected by a similar problem as this addiction has hit many, many people. The culprit? Backyard gazebos!

2 summers ago my wife couldn’t resist buying a gazebo in the hopes of providing shade and mosquito netting so that we could sit outside in the shade without being eaten alive by mosquitoes (Manitoba’s official bird). It was an 8’ x 8’ gazebo with aluminium tubing and a nice white plastic cover. It took about 15 minutes to put together and came with cute little spikes to hold it in the ground….(yeah right).

The first gazebo lasted about a month before a moderate wind carried it off like Dorothy’s house in ‘the Wizard of Oz.’ We found it about 60’ away from where it should have been and it looked like a crumpled up sheet of paper. I had decided that maybe the winds in our area were not conducive for owning a gazebo. Mother Nature 1, gazebos 0. My wife however was unfazed stating; “We will just have to anchor it better.”

Last year my wife bought another gazebo, but this time I wouldn’t let Mother Nature deprive me so I anchored it, OH did I anchor it. It was held down by weights and straps and rope and pegs. I even taped one edge around part of my house! She held up pretty good and I, like many others before me, assumed that I had won. Mother Nature thought otherwise and came at us with hellacious fury. Winds gusting to 80 km/h one night mixed with heavy rain during a serious thunderstorm said otherwise, and when it was all done, so was the gazebo. While it was still anchored, it had bent and the fabric had torn. Mother Nature 2, gazebos 0.

This should have been the end of the story really, but not when you have an addiction. I would now like to point out the definition of the following word;

Insanity – doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.

This past weekend my wife managed to find a used 200-dollar gazebo at a garage sale, (another of her addictions) for the thrifty sum of 20 dollars. It was much heavier, had corner shelves and one of those canvas tops with the vent so that the wind could escape….(yeah right). The former owner swore that all the fasteners were there but remember caveat emptor? (Buyer beware) …We got what we paid for. There were missing fasteners, the bars were slightly bent and the canvas was ripped in places. Oh yes I almost forgot. There were also no instructions. I need instructions. I am useless without instructions, (and sometimes with). Nonetheless we soldiered on and after a trip to Canadian Tire and 4 hours of mistakes and a ot of sewing by my wife, it was up and ready for the patio furniture! 10’ x 10’ of magnificence, and my wife began to think of ways to spruce it up. “Maybe I will put plants on the corner shelves”, “I definitely need mosquito netting”, “I bet I could sew a new top” etc etc.

Mother Nature had other plans. Within 15 hours of its arrival it too had become another casualty getting shredded by the ubiquitous high winds in our area. Mother Nature 3, gazebos 0. My wife was in almost as rough shape as the gazebo and I genuinely felt bad for her. My neighbours think we are crazy which is what happens with addictions. It was at this point that my wife’s insanity finally got hold of me and without hesitating I saw another gazebo at Safeway later that same day and purchased it without a second thought, (or possibly even a first thought). Maybe things would be different this time.

But wait this story actually has a happy ending. THIS gazebo is already put together and can be put up in 3 minutes then taken down in 2 and stored in a handy travelling case with wheels! Now instead of trying to withstand high winds we can take it down and put it away! Finally the heartbreak is over. Mother Nature 3, gazebos 1!

My wife is cured, although the garage sale addiction is too far along to stop. I guess this whole episode has taught me one thing; If at first you don’t succeed, buy a portable gazebo! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Thursday, May 4, 2006

WHL Draft - Regina Pats draft 'Pymmer'

A quick shout out to Alex Pym of Winnipeg who was taken in the 3rd round (51st overall) by the Regina Pats in the 2006 WHL bantam draft. This smooth skating puck mover is very poised and smart. Regina will get an excellent effort out of Alex for the next 4 years. All you Regina types make sure you look for him next season. I am sure it won't take him long to adjust. Good Luck Alex!

NHL Playoffs - 2nd Round Predictions

I can't believe I got beat by a monkey and a coin! Oh well no turning back now. The 'Battle of Alberta' will have to wait another year it seems as Calgary wilted when it counted most. Only two Canadian teams left so without further ado here are my predictions along with what 'the coin' says about round number two.

Eastern Conference

OTTAWA VS BUFFALO - The Sabres easily handled the bigger slower Flyers, but the Sens are not the Flyers. The Sens are big and fast and seem to have it going on. Emery edges Miller in the rookie Goalie battle and although I give the edge to Ottawa, this will go longer than expected. Sens in 6 (the coin picked the Sabres)

CAROLINA VS NEW JERSEY - Carolina woke up after game 2 against Montreal and in front of a stellar Cam Ward and with the leadership of Brind'Amour. New Jersey is unbeatable in the last 15 and that won't stop anytime soon. Carolina, beware of Elias! New Jersey in 6 (Coin picked the canes)

Western Conference

SAN JOSE VS EDMONTON - I think Cheechoo and Thornton will take it up a notch in this series and Marleau is already at the top of his game. The Sharks only worry is if the goaltending can stay sharp. Edmonton is on a high after ending Yzerman's career and is poised for another upset. Hemsky is awake and Roloson is stingy. I am going out on a limb and picking Edmonton in 7 (Coin picks the Sharks)

ANAHEIM VS COLORADO - The Ducks are very well balanced and are looking to repeat what they did in 2003. The Neidermayers are enjoying playing together and don't want to stop yet, and Teemu is playing the best he has in years. I think Theodore is about to pull a Turco and the Avs won't match the Ducks work ethic. Anaheim wins it in 6 (the Coin agrees with me)

Hopefully I am better with the 2nd round! My revised pick for the finals is Ottawa over Anaheim in 6.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Budget 06 - It's about time!

I was doing some research into this budget and analyzing facts and figures while writing this blog and by the time I got to the end I realized it was waaaaaay too long. Also it sounded like a rehash of what the CBC posted online. So I scrapped it and started over.

For me the bottom line was tax cuts. I am so tired of listening to the political left whine and cry about social programs and the environment and the arts. I don't mean to sound cold but who cares! I feel we spend too much in those areas already and as much as 'The Left' wants you to believe that No one can afford an education. They want you to believe that people can't afford to live without government handouts (i.e. welfare). They practically claim that the end is near and our environment is about to be destroyed. lets remember that emissions actually increased under the Liberals and that so much was wasted (Sponsorship scandal, Gun Registry, Tainted blood) that I really could care less what 'The Left' says anymore.

Aside from 'The Left' I don't hear a lot of bonafide negatives from this budget. Frankly I wouldn't pay attention anyways. The majority of voters now see real tax cuts, small, but certain, with more on the way. It is at the very least a step in the right direction.

As I tell anyone interested in the poilitical process you have to basically decide based on the issues that you find important. So if you are a Kyoto at all costs person or part of the population that will see your taxes rise a half percent then maybe you don't like this budget. Luckily that's not me.

For me I was primarily concerned with military and security spending as well as tax cuts...Done and done. I like the way the Tories are looking at places to cut spending. I like their approach to child care. I like the little 250 dollar (soon to be 1000) employment benefit. I even like the childs sports subsidy. Are these huge cuts? No, will 6 cent GST really allow me to afford a cottage? Obviously not, but it is a step in the right direction and I think in the long term having us pay less tax will let us spend more which benefits everyone.

I am no economist, but if I give you more money than you used to have, could you spend it?

So my thumb is firmly up in support of this budget, and I am willing to enjoy the extra spending money in this horribly polluted wasteland we call Canada while surrounded by the newly destitute and uneducated(tongue firmly planted in cheek). So until next time remember, no Payne no gain!

Monday, May 1, 2006

NHL Playoffs - Quick hit - Playoff Prediction Stats

A quick recap of the predictions made by myself, Scotty Bowman, Maggie the monkey, and a 1995 quarter (coin flip). With half the series finished here are the scores;

  • Myself - 2 correct
  • Bowman - 3 correct
  • Maggie - 2 correct
  • Coin Flip - 2 correct

So Scotty is ahead by 1 and there are two more series that could end tonight. Unfortunately we all were identical in those series so I still have a shot! In fact if Philadelphia can win I will finish tied with Scotty....c'mon Forsberg!

Series remaining and who predicted what;

Payne - Carolina, Philly, Detroit and Calgary

Bowman, Maggie and the quarter - Carolina, Buffalo, Detroit and Calgary

The Almighty (Canadian) Dollar....No Really!

Naively, I thought as a young adult that I wished our dollar was worth more so that if I visited the US I would be able to buy more. I didn't give it too much thought, I just wished it was worth more. Seemingly my wish has come true with the dollar at a 28 year high, but as the saying goes 'careful what you wish for.'

The dollar is approaching 90 cents US which is great for importers I suppose, as well as the travel industry but there could be serious consequences if it travels too much higher.

The benefit to having a low dollar is that it enables us to export our goods to the US which if you didn't know is our largest trading partner. With a low dollar the Americans get a great deal when they purchase goods from us. This also applies to raw materials. When our dollar rises then we are less competitive and we start to lose business to other countries. Have you ever wondered why China does so much work? Low cost.

So how bad could it get? Some economists are predicting us being at par with the US dollar within a year. Far fetched maybe but if it happened it would very likely trigger a recession. Work would dry up in the export sector and the carryover would effect other businesses. Unemployment would soar and all sorts of nasty things would follow.

Yes a low value hurts us too but not nearly as muchas a high value. Our economy depends on a dollar trading in the range of 70 - 75 cents US. When we move outside that range we get into trouble.

If it stays high one of two things will happen; Either a market correction, where we plummet quickly to a more acceptable level. Or our economy has to adjust and position itself to cope with the new economic reality.

It's a lot to think about and I am no economist. If you want to know more feel free to click the 'Wealth Financial' link on the right there and that guy could probably explain it better. In the meantime I think I will go make plans for a shopping trip to Fargo! Until next time remember, no Payne no gain.

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